Bull and his men and their unknown boss are out to stop the completion of the dam being built by Baxter. Gene takes the job of ditch rider, the previous riders having been killed by the gang. When Bull and his men rob the payroll, Gene chases them down. - IMDB Description
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May 17, 2010 Subject:
Gene takes a dunking
In this 1936 Republic western, Gene Autry has to do a fight scene with George Chesbro on location at a waterworks dam. Since the camera was filming close-up,
Gene had to do his own stunts. He told later of how he almost drowned in the raging water. A few years later, Roy Rogers would also do a film called "Red River Valley" but a different plot. When these films were released to television, the Autry film took the title "Man of the Frontier" to avoid confusion with the Rogers film.